00 11/10/2017 10:41

Culture esteriori che mantengono gli umani scemi/ottusi/confusi/divisi?


ritratto di sp3ranza

Nel mondo super affollato, razze superiori di umani,
presero a praticare il cannibalismo, allevando le
razze inferiori di uomini, come bestiame per i loro 
pasti e schiavi per i loro lavori...Pastori con i 
loro branchi di pecore cieche che gli belavano dietro
per appartenere al grande gruppo ed avere un capo che
le dominasse/guidasse.

La terra si ribello' all'abuso dei pastori/cannibali
che stavano decimendo il mondo e distruggendo tutte
le risorse e le altre vite a causa della loro avidita'
divenuta cieca.

La terra produsse i nuovi serpenti/funghi, per permettere alle
razze inferiori di divenire temporaneamente simili a
quelle superiori, e controllare gli stermini ed il
sovrappopolamento dei pastori che avevano preso a rivaleggiare
per aggiudicarsi i territori e bestiame umano con cui
creavano i loro imperi.

Le razze inferiori si cibarono dei cervelli di quelle
superiori per acquisire un potere piu' forte su di loro
e sconfiggerli...

I giochi crudeli della natura che bilancia il creato e
la vita sulla terra, presero ad attivarsi nei momenti 
necessari per ristabilire l'ordine...

Le razze inferiori furono alla fine oscurate anche loro,
rimanendo pero' agli apici dei poteri e producendo
nuova umanita' con intelligenza e percezioni limitate.

Ora le razze inferiori ed accecate dentro, stanno facendo 
gli stessi danni di quelle superiori e di nuovo madre terra 
dovra' intervenire per controllare i disastri.

Di nuovo, moltissime vite di innocenti verranno sacrificate
senza nessun dio angelo alieno che accorrera' a salvarle
come falsamente promesso dai profeti/politici che si metteranno
in salvo di nuovo con le loro famiglie, ma questa volta
gli andra' male...

Una ennesima distruzione ciclica ed a nulla servira' la
degenerata ed artificiale cultura esteriore che non ha
preparato gli umani ad apprendere da dentro quello che
sarebbe vitale alla loro sopravvivenza in contesti apocalittici...

Il tuo gradimento: Nessuno (1 voto)
ritratto di sp3ranza

Informazioni storiche che gli idioti acculturati ignorano

Le informazioni che ho usato sono in questo
link accluso all'introduzione qui di seguito:

 I notice often, people do not really care to know the
truth about our past and human mind, they just need to find ways to
gain visibility/notoriety and at the end, advertise their business and sell you their garbage, books, programs, magazines, classes etc..not solving any mystery of the past, and if I was able to solve some
of them, probably it is due to the fact I am not mentally
and spiritually blinded a pre-programmed to think only
in some directions like the horses with impared vision or
maybe because I am abnormal, but if normal people do not
even understand what abnormal people do, so what is the
need of our external and artificial culture/knowledge/education keeping us stupid and blind???
Here there is one of my comment to give you an idea of
what I have discovered and people who have read thousand
books and studied many years, did not understand and still
believe in angels/demons/aliens etc..

I have seen several of those artifacts, included those considered aliens, but created by the snake people or mushroom men performing their kind of rituals and sacrifice, child sacrifice and human decapitation used and mentioned since the time of ancient Sumerian writings and performed in many parts of the planet by many cults probably because the drugs they were using, would change power into human brain just like it happens with urine of intossicated people and they discovered this new way to use people's brain to achieve more power/illumination by the snake/mushroom/phallus/omphalos/eye/spiral of the earth used by all ancient priests performing animal and human sacrifice we can still notice in those writings and images of the past and in the father's Crespi artifacts, we can see many interesting details of the snake revealing people the art of writing, of superior knowledge of the stars/planets and other things and information used on this level to develop our cultures/religions and of course, religious cults, do not like to let us know we come from cannibals priests obtaining their revelation and superior knowledge with human and animal sacrifice to their sun god as seen in many artifacts and this is the only reliable and truthful information about those ancient images of our forgotten and bad interpreted past and those images are just telling us what is said in other cultures too, when people were using cannibalism and all different kind of sacred plants and forbidden fruits to develop their cultures/knowledge/power/religions until we got blinded inside and plants started to obscure humans and drive them against each other and unable to perceive the same information and accomplish the superior tasks of our ancient fathers and insects/animals still don not learning from outside sources like we are forced to do today unable to perceive life and information from within like we used to do in the old days...we were not aliens, I am not an alien but just have some of those ancient perceptions completely active in those ancient days and allowing us to survive in very dangerous environments full of all sort of predators/enemies..without those super senses active, we could not survive, but mother nature, gave us the tools to be able to do what we have done..build great cities and colonies like ants, above/below earth with no outside learning....and we also gained so much knowledge in many fields but lots has been lost.....