00 21/01/2019 22:25
appunti e note varie sul calendario degli antichi re, che era in realta' un cubo 3x3x3 che rappresentava la pietra nera o nuova pietra filosofale caduta in terra da sistemi solari collassati simili al nostro da essi parassitato..

6 giorni e 7 notti = 42
gilgamesh, essere trino, due parti umane, una divina, 42/3=14

Throughout the Epic of Gilgamesh the phrase "Six days and seven nights"
frequently appears.
It is the length of time Gilgamesh was supposed to stay awake as a test,
the length of time Enkidu had sex with Shamhat,
the length of time Gilgamesh wept for Enkidu,

Utanapishtim's description of the Flood: "Six days and seven nights came
the wind and flood, the storm flattening the land. When the seventh day arrived,
the storm was pounding, the flood was a war—struggling with itself like a woman
writhing in labor" (11.127-130).

Gilgamesh desperately tries to keep Enkidu alive, and after Enkidu dies,
he waits by his body for seven days and seven nights, not willing to
accept that he's died, until finally a worm crawls out of Enkidu's nose.

for six days and seven nights Enkidu stayed aroused,
and had intercourse with the harlot

ilgamesh got up and revealed the dream, saying to his mother:
"Mother, I had a dream last night.
Stars of the sky appeared,
and some kind of meteorite(?) of Anu fell next to me.
I tried to lift it but it was too mighty for me,
I tried to turn it over but I could not budge it.
The Land of Uruk was standing around it,
the whole land had assembled about it,
the populace was thronging around it,
the Men clustered about it,
and kissed its feet as if it were a little baby (!).
I loved it and embraced it as a wife.
I laid it down at your feet,
and you made it compete with me."

6 days 7 night great flood

I nodi che vengono al pettine....







[Modificato da sp3ranza 21/01/2019 22:28]