00 11/10/2017 11:46

Eravamo tutti sinesteti e possedevamo grandi poteri


ritratto di sp3ranza

Per ora inserisco un mio commento lasciato sotto lo scritto di un nostro utente, poi dopo correggo ed amplifico....


sinestesia presente nel nostro patrimonio genetico

Pubblicato da sp3ranza il Mar, 01/03/2016 - 12:04.

Facendo da sola ricerche sul passato delle razze umane precedenti alle nostre, ho notato che loro possedevano non solo alcune forme di sinestesia ed altre facolta` vitali alla sopravvivnza delle colonie di umani che pure senza saper ancora leggere o scrivere potevano creare spettacolari costruzioni sopra e sotto la terra ed in loro erano presenti le manifestazioni di chiaroveggenza lettura del pensiero ed altre facolta` condiderate paranormali oggi che probabilmente si sono disattivate quasi completamente nelle ere successive a causa di diversi fattori ma tratti di queste ancestrali facolta` ancora emergono in molti di noi ed I nostri avi utilizzavano anche supporti per attivarle ridestare la forza dormiente in noi tramite piante sacre e frutti proibiti che rimodellavano di era in era le culture e percezioni degli umani e non puoi certo destare una facolta` che non esiste nei tuoi geni a meno che non la possiedi ma e` disattiva ed in una sorta di off mode..il significato del mio nome dicono sia speranza e verde, che come vedi ho usato anche per il mio nick...ma la tua e` una storia vera per caso? Io ho altri tipi di cinestesia premonizioni ed altre facolta` presenti anche in altri elementi della famiglia come se fossero di carattere ereditario che possono pero` saltare generazioni ed attivarsi a volte in stato di premorte o quando si esce da un coma od altre situazioni particolari....e tutto sembra mancare di seri studi e ricerche affidabili purtoppo ma basta leggere i testi del passato scritti nella lingua cuneifore considerara la piu antica in assoluto per notare tra le righe diverse di queste facolta` un tempo attive negli umani....Ed in seguito stimolate con vari supporti....nelle scritture di gilgamesh ritroviamo la visione a distanza sogni premonitori lettura del pensiero etc...e quello che hanno saputo creare e` irripetibile ed incomprensibile agli umani di oggi che hanno imparato a leggere scrivere apprendendo solo da fuori e non piu` nelle maniere precedenti....



Aggiunto a : Verde speranza   2 min 42 sec fa


Come tutti possiamo notare, i nomi degli autori spesso vengono utilizzati nella risposta, ma e' successo un gran baccano quando ho provato a farlo anche io tanto a aprire un post di protesta in cui mi si condannava senza darmi possibilita' di spiegarmi e mi si dava del lei, mentre nel post in cui avevo ringraziato due utenti che sembravano aver apprezzato molto un mio vecchio scritto usato per fare delle prove, mi si dava del tu senza che io gli avessi dato il permesso che pero' non ho contestato..noi ci diamo del tu perche' nessuno e' migliore dell'altro ed essere bravo nello scrivere, fingere, recitare  e nella grammatica o nell'aver appreso questo o quello dai libri o divenire un bravo attore/recitatore, non fa necessariamente di una persona, un elemento onesto/superiore/intelligente/umano etc... perche' e' pieno zeppo di laureati che sanno tante cose, ma sono terribili esseri umani, alcuni davvero cattivi/egoisti/sfruttatori/falsi/strumentalizzatori/parassiti/depravati/mostri etc... e malgrado tutte le loro lauree, tantissimi non sanno e non vogliono nemmeno sapere/capire le origini delle culture/religioni umane e come eravamo nelle epoche precedenti e cosa ci ha trasformati in quello che siamo oggi e ripetono/pappagallano a memoria tutto quello che hanno appreso leggendo qua e la' sui libri, facendo sfoggio di culture esteriori, senza essere in grado di usare il proprio cervello e mettere a confronto tutte queste diverse versioni per cercare di capire quale sia quella originale a cui tutti facevano riferimento in modo velato/indiretto e sempre piu' segreto perche' sembra che non ci sia concesso sapere/capire la nostra vera natura, i nostri potenziali interiori, la nostra vera storia celata/confusa/oscurata/cancellata per millenni che a fatica si intravede nelle scritture antiche ne ne riprotano frammenti confusi da decodificare/riunire per avvicinarci a quella che era la realta' di quei tempi, di come eravamo nelle epoche precedenti, di come pensavano/sentivamo/credevamo/vivevamo e di come siamo cambiati attraverso le ere sviluppando facolta' esteriori e sopprimendo quelle interiori...Non ricordo se ho gia' usato i 2 commenti, perche' se questo e' il terzo, non viene visualizzato ma ne ricevi una copia e si puo' sempre leggere per intero nella lista dei commenti...Ciao e grazie e spero di averti dato delle ispirazioni/stimoli per scrivere storie immaginarie usando stralci di storia e verita' in modo che possano anche essere educative e stimolare interesse per certi argomenti...

Buona giornata, buona lettura/scrittura da una anormale ignorantona con tanti tipi di andicap nella scrittura/lettura/apprendimento e concentrazione che peggiora sempre, ma non per questo sono da uccidere/sterminare e valgo meno di un essere umano acculturato fuori e senza umanita'/onesta' od intelligenza superiore dentro..ognuno di noi ha i suoi doni, e chi non sa scrivere/leggere da Dio, magari invece e' in grado di capire/percepire quello che i NORMALI laureati non si sognano nemmeno...e' la diversita' che fa la ricchezza io penso...ma potrei anche sbagliarmi ed e' solo un mio parere..le formiche lo sanno meglio di noi ed hanno colonie organizzate e funzionanti anche senza sapere leggere/scrivere/recitare/fingere e gli uomini formica di un tempo, operavano con sistemi simili...fino a che vennero accecati dentro e costretti ad apprendere solo da fuori con altri sistemi....Ciao e sentiti libera di darmi del tu e di utilizare il mio nome nelle risposte..io non ho certo di questi complessi e non discrimino tra autori a chi permetto di usare il mio nome e chi non ha diritto di replica o di opinione etc...ognuno faccia come crede basta che non mi leggono solo per trovare pretesti per poter cancellare i miei testi perche' non gli piacciono o non li capiscono da bravi laureati/artisti che molti sono...ma per fortuna i peggiori non sono qui con noi, almeno spero....qui siamo ancora liberi dai militanti/dittatori delle sacre arti che ci vorrebbero tutti uguali...e spero che resteremo tali....



Questo commento non centra nulla con il testo e lo copio qui temporaneamente...


sembra la replica del bambino intelligente sensibile

Pubblicato da sp3ranza il Gio, 03/03/2016 - 09:04.

Sessualmente mentalmente fisicamente abusato che inconsciamente si trasforma nella replica dei suoi carnefici per scaricare la sua rabbia repressa come una sorta di vendetta interiore contro il mondo che diventa un surrogato in scala maggiore della famiglia che ti negletta ma tu hai il grande dono di una superiore intelligenza che ti permette di uscire dagli inferni che controllano ancora la tua vita, e mi riferisco al personaggio dello scritto non alla persona, e se avessi avuto io certi traumi, forse sarei stata piu` normale ma putroppo non ho avuto nonni salvatori perche` servivo a mia madre....che malgrado tutto ancora amo ma non condivido nulla di quello che le ho visto fare e che ho dovuto subire..non possiamo scegliere le nostre famiglie, ma possiamo scegliere di fare la nostra vita come vogliamo noi anche quando ce la disastrano rendendoci tutto piu` difficile o facendoci diventare disadattati ad alto rischio di perdersi negli inferni mentre fuggiamo dal nido in fiamme e non certo accogliente ma che riduce in polvere la nostra anima...non tutti i nidi sono accoglienti ma dobbiamo maturare e sopravvivere comunque per poter intraprendere il volo della vita dolce od amara che sia...non e` facile per gli angeli imparare a volare con le ali spezzate o bruciate, ma se vogliono vivere, possono fare questo ed altro perche` hanno altre risorse per intraprendere il loro volo...

ritratto di sp3ranza

Il dio/demonio ci illuminava e si cibava di noi in tanti modi

Quasi nessun poeta attuale sembra interessato ai primissimi scritti/epiche/poemi/inni dei nostri avi per cercare di capire cosa si nascondeva dietro la loro scrittura e quali erano i loro credi/culti/rituali etc..che in essi venivano ripetuti nelle tante epiche che cambiavano col tempo nomi e storie ma con essenze parallele tramandate da generazione in generazione che facendo passi all'indietro, si scoprono da cosa derivano certi concetti utilizzati dai credi/culti della vecchia/new age dimentica delle comuni radici che diedero inizio alle credenze spirituali ed ai tanti credi/culti divisi/confusi/accecati e diramati nelle diverse ramificazioni....

Qui un esempio di poema antico che pero' e' in inglese, lingua ormai mondiale che parla quasi tutto il pianeta e traducibile anche con google/translator etc...ma ci sono altri poemi ed inni che offrono tanti altri particolari che mancano in alcuni, e mettendo insieme tutti i pezzi posseduti da ogni scritto che ne riporta alcuni, si ha un'immagine terrificante del nostro reale/comune passato che non ci viene certo insegnata nelle nostre scuole/religioni per capire meglio le nostre radici ed evoluzioni attraverso le ere fino a creare questo tipo di umanita' ....


Come la storia del Cristo, Lei, la quintessenza del fungo sacro della
croce, o nostra signora LA CROCE DEL SERPENTE ROSSO, per rinascere 
chiede il sacrificio del toro celeste dai tanti nomi che sposa/contagia/ubriaca/droga
diventanto un tutt'uno con lui...(COME RIPORTATO SU DIVERSI SCRITTI SUMERI)
Inanna viene umiliata, denudata,
percossa, uccisa, appesa ad un gancio e data per morta e
resuscitata dopo 3 giorni proprio a Pasqua secondo rituali
segreti e comuni praticati dai nostri avi sotto gli stessi
ordini/infussi/direttive di queste entita' superiori che
controllavano il dna umano usando per i loro cicli connessi
con i nostri e l'ecosistema della terra in parallelo con i
flussi dei pianeti vitali a queste divinita' degli altri regni
un tempo connessi con i nostri in vari modi e probabilmente
necessari per le metamorfosi interiori dell'uomo da cui
venne reciso alla fine dei cicli e munito di strumenti
differenti per sopravvivere nel suo pianeta con sistemi
appresi solo e quasi esclusivamente da contesti esterni e
non piu' come nelle ere precedenti che si intravedono anche
in questi poemi/scritti antichi che se messi a confronto,
anche se con storie diverse e nomi diversi, mostrano dei 
paralleli comuni sui sacrifici umani richiesti da queste
entita' educatrici/divoratrici di umani degli altri regni
e non certo alieni, anche se il materale delle stelle morte
o cadenti che colpiva ciclicamente la terra, ne permetteva
di risvegliarne la potenza che diveniva attiva tramite
interazione umana...La vita eterna del fungo che usa le
altre creature/mondi per rigenerarsi e prendere vita
in molti modi riadattati ai contesti/ambienti del pianeta,
si puo' considerare una vita di morte/rinascita, perche'
prendeva forma umana usando il nostro dna e pratiche sessuali
e di altro tipo per navigare nel nostro essere e prenderne
possesso/controllo in vari modi, come si nota anche nel regno
degli insetti, posseduti da parassiti o funghi, che prendono
il controllo della mente/corpo della vittima etc...una
sorta zombi reali che in effetti sono esistiti davvero e
che notiamo nelle vicende storiche del cannibalismo rituale
praticato dai nostri avi od antichi decapitatori etc...
sicuramente posseduti/controllati da quelle divinita' degli
altri mondi che epoca dopo epoca, cambiavano sembianze/culti/credi
a seconda delle necessita' ed intelligenza/percezioni degli
umani, usati come schiavi/servi/soldati e carne da macello
dei capi spirituali illuminati/guidati da queste potenze oscure
che rinascevan negli altri umani che consumavano i pasti
sacri del morto preparato per il sacrificio o viaggio nell'oltretomba
per derubarlo dei suoi poteri e somministrarli al gruppo etc..
una sorta di furto dei 7 ME collegato al rituale della
crocefissione/sacrificio del serpente/fungo fatto uomo o
chiamato anche toro celeste che diveniva un tutt'uno con
la droga/drago definita quintessenza/sorella/iside/ishtar/inanna etc...
e prendeva la vita del morto diventando lei il morto da
resuscitare dopo i 3 giorni nell'oltretomba etc...tramite
rituali e pratiche segrete comuni a tutti  i gruppi che
facevano utilizzo delle stesse divinita', piante sacre,
frutti proibiti e serpenti solari che da sempre hanno
controllato il destino delle vite di questo pianeta sembra...

Ora proviamo a leggere i testi antichi, poemi ed epiche,
con diverse chiavi di lettura per andare oltre le 
leggende/storie/credi/inni etc... creati con questi comuni rituali
di sacrifici umani, morte rinascita che venivano praticati
nelle epoche precedenti ed in seguito aboliti e rimpiazzati
con altri tipi di uccisioni rituali del toro che rappresentava
il toro celeste del labirinto o dell'uccisione/decapitazione del capo
del culto precedente di cui si cibavano i successori etc..
o forse venivano ancora praticate in segreto, non lo so...

"The Descent of Inanna:
From the Great Above to the Great Below"

Diane Wolkstein and
Samuel Noah Kramer


When Inanna arrived at the outer gates of the underworld,
She knocked loudly.
She cried out in a fierce voice:
"Open the door, gatekeeper!
Open the door, Neti!
I alone would enter!"
Neti, the chief gatekeeper of the kur, asked:
"Who are you?" 
She answered:
"I am Inanna, Queen of Heaven,
On my way to the East." 

Neti said:
"If you are truly Inanna, Queen of Heaven,
On your way to the East,
Why has your heart led you on the road
From which no traveler returns?"  
Inanna answered:
"Because . . . of my older sister, Ereshkigal,
Her husband, Gugalanna, the Bull of Heaven, has died.
I have come to witness the funeral rites.
Let the beer of his funeral rites be poured into the cup.
Let it be done." 

Neti spoke:
"Stay here, Inanna, I will speak to my queen.
I will give her your message." 
Neti, the chief gatekeeper of the kur,
Entered the palace of Ereshkigal, the Queen of the Underworld,
and said:
"My queen, a maid
As tall as heaven,
As wide as the earth,
As strong as the foundations of the city wall,
Waits outside the palace gates.
She has gathered together the seven ME.
She has taken them into her hands.
With the ME in her possession, she has prepared herself:

On her head she wears the shugurra, the crown of the steppe.
Across her forehead her dark locks of hair are carefully arranged.
Around her neck she wears the double strand of beads.
Her body is wrapped with the royal robe.
Her eyes are daubed with the ointment called, 'Let him come, let him come.'
Around her chest she wears the breastplate called 'Come, man, come!'
On her wrist she wears the gold ring.
In her hand she carries the lapis measuring rod and line."

When Ereshkigal heard this,
She slapped her thigh and bit her lip.
She took the matter into her heart and dwelt on it.
Then she spoke:
"Come, Neti, my chief gatekeeper of the kur,
Heed my words:
Bolt the seven gates of the underworld.
Then, one by one, open each gate a crack.
Let Inanna enter.
As she enters, remove her royal garments.
Let the holy priestess of heaven enter bowed low."
Neti heeded the words of his queen.
He bolted the seven gates of the underworld.
Then he opened the outer gate.
He said to the maid:
"Come, Inanna, enter." 
When she entered the first gate,
From her head, the shugurra, the crown of the steppe, was removed.
Inanna asked:

"What is this?"
She was told:
"Quiet, Inanna, the ways of the underworld are perfect.
They may not be questioned."
When she entered the second gate,
From her neck the small lapis beads were removed.  
Inanna asked:

"What is this?" 
She was told:
"Quiet, Inanna, the ways of the underworld are perfect.
They may not be questioned." 
When she entered the third gate,
From her breast the double strand of beads was removed.  
Inanna asked:

"What is this?" 
She was told:
"Quiet, Inanna, the ways of the underworld are perfect.
They may not be questioned." 
When she entered the fourth gate,
From her chest the breastplate called "Come, man, come!" was removed.  
Inanna asked:

"What is this?" 
She was told:
"Quiet, Inanna, the ways of the underworld are perfect.
They may not be questioned." 
When she entered the fifth gate,
From her wrist the gold ring was removed.  
Inanna asked:

"What is this?"
She was told:
"Quiet, Inanna, the ways of the underworld are perfect.
They may not be questioned." 
When she entered the sixth gate,
From her hand the lapis measuring rod and line was removed.  
Inanna asked:

"What is this?" 
She was told:
"Quiet, Inanna, the ways of the underworld are perfect.
They may not be questioned." 
When she entered the seventh gate,
From her body the royal robe was removed.  
Inanna asked:

"What is this?" 
She was told:
"Quiet, Inanna, the ways of the underworld are perfect.
They may not be questioned." 
Naked and bowed low, Inanna entered the throne room,
Ereshkigal rose from her throne.
Inanna started toward the throne.
The Annuna, the judges of the underworld, surrounded her.
They passed judgment against her.  
Then Ereshkigal fastened on Inanna the eye of death.
She spoke against her the word of wrath.
She uttered against her the cry of guilt.  

She struck her.  

Inanna was turned into a corpse,
A piece of rotting meat,
And was hung from a hook on the wall.






Inana's descent to the nether world: translation

1-5From the great heaven she set her mind on the great below. From the great heaven the goddess set her mind on the great below. From the great heaven Inana set her mind on the great below. My mistress abandoned heaven, abandoned earth, and descended to the underworld. Inana abandoned heaven, abandoned earth, and descended to the underworld.

6-13She abandoned the office of en, abandoned the office of lagar, and descended to the underworld. She abandoned the E-ana in Unug, and descended to the underworld. She abandoned the E-muc-kalama in Bad-tibira, and descended to the underworld. She abandoned the Giguna in Zabalam, and descended to the underworld. She abandoned the E-cara in Adab, and descended to the underworld. She abandoned the Barag-dur-jara in Nibru, and descended to the underworld. She abandoned the Hursaj-kalama in Kic, and descended to the underworld. She abandoned the E-Ulmac in Agade, and descended to the underworld. (1 ms. adds 8 lines: She abandoned the Ibgal in Umma, and descended to the underworld. She abandoned the E-Dilmuna in Urim, and descended to the underworld. She abandoned the Amac-e-kug in Kisiga, and descended to the underworld. She abandoned the E-ecdam-kug in Jirsu, and descended to the underworld. She abandoned the E-sig-mece-du in Isin, and descended to the underworld. She abandoned the Anzagar in Akcak, and descended to the underworld. She abandoned the Nijin-jar-kug in Curuppag, and descended to the underworld. She abandoned the E-cag-hula in Kazallu, and descended to the underworld.)

14-19She took the seven divine powers. She collected the divine powers and grasped them in her hand. With the good divine powers, she went on her way. She put a turban, headgear for the open country, on her head. She took a wig for her forehead. She hung small lapis-lazuli beads around her neck.

20-25She placed twin egg-shaped beads on her breast. She covered her body with a pala dress, the garment of ladyship. She placed mascara which is called "Let a man come, let him come" on her eyes. She pulled the pectoral which is called "Come, man, come" over her breast. She placed a golden ring on her hand. She held the lapis-lazuli measuring rod and measuring line in her hand.

26-27Inana travelled towards the underworld. Her minister Nincubura travelled behind her.

28-31Holy Inana said to Nincubura: "Come my faithful minister of E-ana, my minister who speaks fair words, my escort who speaks trustworthy words (1 ms. has instead: I am going to give you instructions: my instructions must be followed; I am going to say something to you: it must be observed).

32-36"On this day I will descend to the underworld. When I have arrived in the underworld, make a lament for me on the ruin mounds. Beat the drum for me in the sanctuary. Make the rounds of the houses of the gods for me.

37-40"Lacerate your eyes for me, lacerate your nose for me. (1 ms. adds the line: Lacerate your ears for me, in public.) In private, lacerate your buttocks for me. Like a pauper, clothe yourself in a single garment and all alone set your foot in the E-kur, the house of Enlil.

41-47"When you have entered the E-kur, the house of Enlil, lament before Enlil: "Father Enlil, don't let anyone kill your daughter in the underworld. Don't let your precious metal be alloyed there with the dirt of the underworld. Don't let your precious lapis lazuli be split there with the mason's stone. Don't let your boxwood be chopped up there with the carpenter's wood. Don't let young lady Inana be killed in the underworld."

48-56"If Enlil does not help you in this matter, go to Urim. In the E-mud-kura at Urim, when you have entered the E-kic-nu-jal, the house of Nanna, lament before Nanna: "Father Nanna, don't let anyone kill your daughter in the underworld. Don't let your precious metal be alloyed there with the dirt of the underworld. Don't let your precious lapis lazuli be split there with the mason's stone. Don't let your boxwood be chopped up there with the carpenter's wood. Don't let young lady Inana be killed in the underworld."

57-64"And if Nanna does not help you in this matter, go to Eridug. In Eridug, when you have entered the house of Enki, lament before Enki: "Father Enki, don't let anyone kill your daughter in the underworld. Don't let your precious metal be alloyed there with the dirt of the underworld. Don't let your precious lapis lazuli be split there with the mason's stone. Don't let your boxwood be chopped up there with the carpenter's wood. Don't let young lady Inana be killed in the underworld."

65-67"Father Enki, the lord of great wisdom, knows about the life-giving plant and the life-giving water. He is the one who will restore me to life."

68-72When Inana travelled on towards the underworld, her minister Nincubura travelled on behind her. She said to her minister Nincubura: "Go now, my Nincubura, and pay attention. Don't neglect the instructions I gave you."

73-77When Inana arrived at the palace Ganzer, she pushed aggressively on the door of the underworld. She shouted aggressively at the gate of the underworld: "Open up, doorman, open up. Open up, Neti, open up. I am all alone and I want to come in."

78-84Neti, the chief doorman of the underworld, answered holy Inana: "Who are you?" "I am Inana going to the east." "If you are Inana going to the east, why have you travelled to the land of no return? How did you set your heart on the road whose traveller never returns?"

85-89Holy Inana answered him: "Because lord Gud-gal-ana, the husband of my elder sister holy Erec-ki-gala, has died; in order to have his funeral rites observed, she offers generous libations at his wake -- that is the reason."

90-93Neti, the chief doorman of the underworld, answered holy Inana: "Stay here, Inana. I will speak to my mistress. I will speak to my mistress Erec-ki-gala and tell her what you have said."

94-101Neti, the chief doorman of the underworld, entered the house of his mistress Erec-ki-gala and said: "My mistress, there is a lone girl outside. It is Inana, your sister, and she has arrived at the palace Ganzer. She pushed aggressively on the door of the underworld. She shouted aggressively at the gate of the underworld. She has abandoned E-ana and has descended to the underworld.

102-107"She has taken the seven divine powers. She has collected the divine powers and grasped them in her hand. She has come on her way with all the good divine powers. She has put a turban, headgear for the open country, on her head. She has taken a wig for her forehead. She has hung small lapis-lazuli beads around her neck.

108-113"She has placed twin egg-shaped beads on her breast. She has covered her body with the pala dress of ladyship. She has placed mascara which is called "Let a man come" on her eyes. She has pulled the pectoral which is called "Come, man, come" over her breast. She has placed a golden ring on her hand. She is holding the lapis-lazuli measuring rod and measuring line in her hand."

114-122When she heard this, Erec-ki-gala slapped the side of her thigh. She bit her lip and took the words to heart. She said to Neti, her chief doorman: "Come Neti, my chief doorman of the underworld, don't neglect the instructions I will give you. Let the seven gates of the underworld be bolted. Then let each door of the palace Ganzer be opened separately. As for her, after she has entered, and crouched down and had her clothes removed, they will be carried away."

123-128Neti, the chief doorman of the underworld, paid attention to the instructions of his mistress. He bolted the seven gates of the underworld. Then he opened each of the doors of the palace Ganzer separately. He said to holy Inana: "Come on, Inana, and enter."

129-133And when Inana entered, (1 ms. adds 2 lines: the lapis-lazuli measuring rod and measuring line were removed from her hand, when she entered the first gate,) the turban, headgear for the open country, was removed from her head. "What is this?" "Be satisfied, Inana, a divine power of the underworld has been fulfilled. Inana, you must not open your mouth against the rites of the underworld."

134-138When she entered the second gate, the small lapis-lazuli beads were removed from her neck. "What is this?" "Be satisfied, Inana, a divine power of the underworld has been fulfilled. Inana, you must not open your mouth against the rites of the underworld."

139-143When she entered the third gate, the twin egg-shaped beads were removed from her breast. "What is this?" "Be satisfied, Inana, a divine power of the underworld has been fulfilled. Inana, you must not open your mouth against the rites of the underworld."

144-148When she entered the fourth gate, the "Come, man, come" pectoral was removed from her breast. "What is this?" "Be satisfied, Inana, a divine power of the underworld has been fulfilled. Inana, you must not open your mouth against the rites of the underworld."

149-153When she entered the fifth gate, the golden ring was removed from her hand. "What is this?" "Be satisfied, Inana, a divine power of the underworld has been fulfilled. Inana, you must not open your mouth against the rites of the underworld."

154-158When she entered the sixth gate, the lapis-lazuli measuring rod and measuring line were removed from her hand. "What is this?" "Be satisfied, Inana, a divine power of the underworld has been fulfilled. Inana, you must not open your mouth against the rites of the underworld."

159-163When she entered the seventh gate, the pala dress, the garment of ladyship, was removed from her body. "What is this?" "Be satisfied, Inana, a divine power of the underworld has been fulfilled. Inana, you must not open your mouth against the rites of the underworld."

164-172After she had crouched down and had her clothes removed, they were carried away. Then she made her sister Erec-ki-gala rise from her throne, and instead she sat on her throne. The Anuna, the seven judges, rendered their decision against her. They looked at her -- it was the look of death. They spoke to her -- it was the speech of anger. They shouted at her -- it was the shout of heavy guilt. The afflicted woman was turned into a corpse. And the corpse was hung on a hook.

173-175After three days and three nights had passed, her minister Nincubura (2 mss. add 2 lines: , her minister who speaks fair words, her escort who speaks trustworthy words,) carried out the instructions of her mistress (1 ms. has instead 2 lines: did not forget her orders, she did not neglect her instructions).

176-182She made a lament for her in her ruined (houses). She beat the drum for her in the sanctuaries. She made the rounds of the houses of the gods for her. She lacerated her eyes for her, she lacerated her nose. In private she lacerated her buttocks for her. Like a pauper, she clothed herself in a single garment, and all alone she set her foot in the E-kur, the house of Enlil.

183-189When she had entered the E-kur, the house of Enlil, she lamented before Enlil: "Father Enlil, don't let anyone kill your daughter in the underworld. Don't let your precious metal be alloyed there with the dirt of the underworld. Don't let your precious lapis lazuli be split there with the mason's stone. Don't let your boxwood be chopped up there with the carpenter's wood. Don't let young lady Inana be killed in the underworld."

190-194In his rage father Enlil answered Nincubura: "My daughter craved the great heaven and she craved the great below as well. Inana craved the great heaven and she craved the great below as well. The divine powers of the underworld are divine powers which should not be craved, for whoever gets them must remain in the underworld. Who, having got to that place, could then expect to come up again?"

195-203Thus father Enlil did not help in this matter, so she went to Urim. In the E-mud-kura at Urim, when she had entered the E-kic-nu-jal, the house of Nanna, she lamented before Nanna: "Father Nanna, don't let your daughter be killed in the underworld. Don't let your precious metal be alloyed there with the dirt of the underworld. Don't let your precious lapis lazuli be split there with the mason's stone. Don't let your boxwood be chopped up there with the carpenter's wood. Don't let young lady Inana be killed in the underworld."

204-208In his rage father Nanna answered Nincubura: "My daughter craved the great heaven and she craved the great below as well. Inana craved the great heaven and she craved the great below as well. The divine powers of the underworld are divine powers which should not be craved, for whoever gets them must remain in the underworld. Who, having got to that place, could then expect to come up again?"

209-216Thus father Nanna did not help her in this matter, so she went to Eridug. In Eridug, when she had entered the house of Enki, she lamented before Enki: "Father Enki, don't let anyone kill your daughter in the underworld. Don't let your precious metal be alloyed there with the dirt of the underworld. Don't let your precious lapis lazuli be split there with the mason's stone. Don't let your boxwood be chopped up there with the carpenter's wood. Don't let young lady Inana be killed in the underworld."

217-225Father Enki answered Nincubura: "What has my daughter done? She has me worried. What has Inana done? She has me worried. What has the mistress of all the lands done? She has me worried. What has the hierodule of An done? She has me worried." (1 ms. adds 1 line: Thus father Enki helped her in this matter.) He removed some dirt from the tip of his fingernail and created the kur-jara. He removed some dirt from the tip of his other fingernail and created the gala-tura. To the kur-jara he gave the life-giving plant. To the gala-tura he gave the life-giving water.

226-235Then father Enki spoke out to the gala-tura and the kur-jara: " (1 ms. has instead the line: One of you sprinkle the life-giving plant over her, and the other the life-giving water.) Go and direct your steps to the underworld. Flit past the door like flies. Slip through the door pivots like phantoms. The mother who gave birth, Erec-ki-gala, on account of her children, is lying there. Her holy shoulders are not covered by a linen cloth. Her breasts are not full like a cagan vessel. Her nails are like a pickaxe (?) upon her. The hair on her head is bunched up as if it were leeks.

236-245"When she says "Oh my heart", you are to say "You are troubled, our mistress, oh your heart". When she says "Oh my liver", you are to say "You are troubled, our mistress, oh your liver". (She will then ask:) "Who are you? Speaking to you from my heart to your heart, from my liver to your liver -- if you are gods, let me talk with you; if you are mortals, may a destiny be decreed for you." Make her swear this by heaven and earth.
1 line fragmentary

246-253"They will offer you a riverful of water -- don't accept it. They will offer you a field with its grain -- don't accept it. But say to her: "Give us the corpse hanging on the hook." (She will answer:) "That is the corpse of your queen." Say to her: "Whether it is that of our king, whether it is that of our queen, give it to us." She will give you the corpse hanging on the hook. One of you sprinkle on it the life-giving plant and the other the life-giving water. Thus let Inana arise."

254-262The gala-tura and the kur-jara paid attention to the instructions of Enki. They flitted through the door like flies. They slipped through the door pivots like phantoms. The mother who gave birth, Erec-ki-gala, because of her children, was lying there. Her holy shoulders were not covered by a linen cloth. Her breasts were not full like a cagan vessel. Her nails were like a pickaxe (?) upon her. The hair on her head was bunched up as if it were leeks.

263-272When she said "Oh my heart", they said to her "You are troubled, our mistress, oh your heart". When she said "Oh my liver", they said to her "You are troubled, our mistress, oh your liver". (Then she asked:) "Who are you? I tell you from my heart to your heart, from my liver to your liver -- if you are gods, I will talk with you; if you are mortals, may a destiny be decreed for you." They made her swear this by heaven and earth. They .......

273-281They were offered a river with its water -- they did not accept it. They were offered a field with its grain -- they did not accept it. They said to her: "Give us the corpse hanging on the hook." Holy Erec-ki-gala answered the gala-tura and the kur-jara: "The corpse is that of your queen." They said to her: "Whether it is that of our king or that of our queen, give it to us." They were given the corpse hanging on the hook. One of them sprinkled on it the life-giving plant and the other the life-giving water. And thus Inana arose.

282-289Erec-ki-gala said to the gala-tura and the kur-jara: "Bring your queen ......, your ...... has been seized." Inana, because of Enki's instructions, was about to ascend from the underworld. But as Inana was about to ascend from the underworld, the Anuna seized her: "Who has ever ascended from the underworld, has ascended unscathed from the underworld? If Inana is to ascend from the underworld, let her provide a substitute for herself."

290-294So when Inana left the underworld, the one in front of her, though not a minister, held a sceptre in his hand; the one behind her, though not an escort, carried a mace at his hip, while the small demons, like a reed enclosure, and the big demons, like the reeds of a fence, restrained her on all sides.

295-305Those who accompanied her, those who accompanied Inana, know no food, know no drink, eat no flour offering and drink no libation. They accept no pleasant gifts. They never enjoy the pleasures of the marital embrace, never have any sweet children to kiss. They tear away the wife from a man's embrace. They snatch the son from a man's knee. They make the bride leave the house of her father-in-law (instead of lines 300-305, 1 ms. has 2 lines: They take the wife away from a man's embrace. They take away the child hanging on a wet-nurse's breasts). (1 ms. adds 3 lines: They crush no bitter garlic. They eat no fish, they eat no leeks. They, it was, who accompanied Inana.)

306-310After Inana had ascended from the underworld, Nincubura threw herself at her feet at the door of the Ganzer. She had sat in the dust and clothed herself in a filthy garment. The demons said to holy Inana: "Inana, proceed to your city, we will take her back."

311-321Holy Inana answered the demons: "This is my minister of fair words, my escort of trustworthy words. She did not forget my instructions. She did not neglect the orders I gave her. She made a lament for me on the ruin mounds. She beat the drum for me in the sanctuaries. She made the rounds of the gods' houses for me. She lacerated her eyes for me, lacerated her nose for me. (1 ms. adds 1 line: She lacerated her ears for me in public.) In private, she lacerated her buttocks for me. Like a pauper, she clothed herself in a single garment.

322-328"All alone she directed her steps to the E-kur, to the house of Enlil, and to Urim, to the house of Nanna, and to Eridug, to the house of Enki. (1 ms. adds 1 line: She wept before Enki.) She brought me back to life. How could I turn her over to you? Let us go on. Let us go on to the Sig-kur-caga in Umma."

329-333At the Sig-kur-caga in Umma, Cara, in his own city, threw himself at her feet. He had sat in the dust and dressed himself in a filthy garment. The demons said to holy Inana: "Inana, proceed to your city, we will take him back."

334-338Holy Inana answered the demons: "Cara is my singer, my manicurist and my hairdresser. How could I turn him over to you? Let us go on. Let us go on to the E-muc-kalama in Bad-tibira."

339-343At the E-muc-kalama in Bad-tibira, Lulal, in his own city, threw himself at her feet. He had sat in the dust and clothed himself in a filthy garment. The demons said to holy Inana: "Inana, proceed to your city, we will take him back."

344-347Holy Inana answered the demons: "Outstanding Lulal follows me at my right and my left. How could I turn him over to you? Let us go on. Let us go on to the great apple tree in the plain of Kulaba."

348-353They followed her to the great apple tree in the plain of Kulaba. There was Dumuzid clothed in a magnificent garment and seated magnificently on a throne. The demons seized him there by his thighs. The seven of them poured the milk from his churns. The seven of them shook their heads like ....... They would not let the shepherd play the pipe and flute before her (?).

354-358She looked at him, it was the look of death. She spoke to him (?), it was the speech of anger. She shouted at him (?), it was the shout of heavy guilt: "How much longer? Take him away." Holy Inana gave Dumuzid the shepherd into their hands.

359-367Those who had accompanied her, who had come for Dumuzid, know no food, know no drink, eat no flour offering, drink no libation. They never enjoy the pleasures of the marital embrace, never have any sweet children to kiss. They snatch the son from a man's knee. They make the bride leave the house of her father-in-law.

368-375Dumuzid let out a wail and turned very pale. The lad raised his hands to heaven, to Utu: "Utu, you are my brother-in-law. I am your relation by marriage. I brought butter to your mother's house. I brought milk to Ningal's house. Turn my hands into snake's hands and turn my feet into snake's feet, so I can escape my demons, let them not keep hold of me."

376-383Utu accepted his tears. (1 ms. adds 1 line: Dumuzid's demons could not keep hold of him.) Utu turned Dumuzid's hands into snake's hands. He turned his feet into snake's feet. Dumuzid escaped his demons. (1 ms. adds 1 line: Like a sajkal snake he .......) They seized .......
2 lines fragmentary
Holy Inana ...... her heart.

384-393Holy Inana wept bitterly for her husband.
4 lines fragmentary
She tore at her hair like esparto grass, she ripped it out like esparto grass. "You wives who lie in your men's embrace, where is my precious husband? You children who lie in your men's embrace, where is my precious child? Where is my man? Where ......? Where is my man? Where ......?"

394-398A fly spoke to holy Inana: "If I show you where your man is, what will be my reward?" Holy Inana answered the fly: "If you show me where my man is, I will give you this gift: I will cover ......."

399-403The fly helped (?) holy Inana. The young lady Inana decreed the destiny of the fly: "In the beer-house and the tavern (?), may there ...... for you. You will live (?) like the sons of the wise." Now Inana decreed this fate and thus it came to be.

404-410...... was weeping. She came up to the sister (?) and ...... by the hand: "Now, alas, my ....... You for half the year and your sister for half the year: when you are demanded, on that day you will stay, when your sister is demanded, on that day you will be released." Thus holy Inana gave Dumuzid as a substitute .......

411-412Holy Erec-ki-gala -- sweet is your praise.

ritratto di nadia cinque

Asino d'oro & tanti nomi della vecchia dea dell'oltretomba

Aggiornato con il rosso e sotto lascio il testo che era gia' presente: ho notato che i commenti che chiamano FANTASMA, cioe' del primo livello, e cioe' che dopo 2 inserimenti arrivano solo all'autore nella sua casella postale con il nome di chi lo ha fatto, ma il titolo viene visualizzato nella sinistra della home e per intero se si apre la lista, ho visto che puo' essere anche cancellato, ma non ho capito come si cancella dalla lista dei commenti e mi serviva per capire come funzionano certe opzioni e questo era il commento che riporto in rosso comunque la cosa non mi interessa piu' ed era solo curiosita' per capire come funzionavano certe opzioni....:

Aggiunto a :xxxxxx 29 sec fa 
Spero di non ricevere anche io un vaffanculo, 
Meglio un onesto vaffanculo di chi si e' ubriacato di intolleranza, che un commento disonesto di un falso amico sobrio di falsa cultura... 
A me e' piaciuta sia la rappresentazione della soffrenza della vita, 
sia il filo rosso sangue dell'ubriachezza scaturita da droghe/illusioni/vino etc... 
e scelte sbagliate che legano le sue rovine come perle di una collana di morte interiore... 
Penso che tu se un essere che soffre molto... 
Penso che a volte, ma solo a volte, si impara molto piu' dai nostri nemici onesti 
che dagli amici disonesti....Questo e' il parere/sentire di una anormale sotto/acculturata 
che potrebbe anche essere errato.... 
Uso questo commento come prova, per vedere se viene visuallizzato nella 
lista commenti anche quando e' stato rimosso, o se e' leggibiile in quella 
lista, solo se viene lasciato nel post quando usi il primo livello.. 
sorry per l'intrusione/sperimentazione.....Sii serena che la vita e' breve 
e potremo perderla da un momento all'altro e non possiamo certo salvare il mondo, 
ma solo fare la nostra piccola parte per contribuire ad una sorta di 
risveglio dei sensi intorpiditi/drogati con le illusioni/assuefazioni ai 
mondi virtuali che catturano gli umani come mosche nelle ragnatele o 
buchi neri della distruzione interiore e del vero/puro sentire sempre 
meno accessibile all'uomo moderno ormai artificiale in tutto e drogato 
con mille tipi di droghe create dalle nostre culture artificali che 
creano assuefazione/illusione senza che ce ne rendiamo conto....


Dedicata ad una persona di cui pero' non mi permetto di interferire nel suo post gia' collaudato per certe prove...Sorry...cambiano i nomi/leggende ma stiamo parlando di nuove divinita' (funghi/serpenti) e sacerdotesse create da Enki (come descritto in alcuni suoi testi)  che mentre erano drogate/illuminate/possedute da queste forze/divinita'/droghe che si impadronivano di loro e le trasformavano in cannibale/ninfomani che rubavano il seme degli uomini come lilith con altre pratiche di sacrifici umani e di bambini suggerite da queste entita' e si cibavano degli umani e di culture precedenti per creare diverse linee di uomini e nuovi strumenti/linguaggi per apprendere solo da fuori e con i mezzi delle sacre arti da loro create nelle infinite forme che ancora usiamo e sviluppiamo/cambiamo a seconda delle nostre culture/intelligenze/percezioni/credenze/necessita'/preferenze etc...Note: certi funghi allucinogeni crescono sul letame di cavallo/asino/bue ed altri animali considerati sacri e sicuamente alcuni di questi funghi/divinita'/serpenti/falli di madre terra delle ere precedenti usati dai nostri avi, si saranno estinti od avranno cambiato i loro poteri o altro....ma sull'intero pianeta sono ancora presenti i loro templi, piramidi, ziggurats, intere citta' fantastiche sopra e sotto la terra di quando usavano il nostro dna per i loro cicli connessi con i nostri e con le nostre evoluzioni/metamorfosi interiori collegate all'ecosistema delle creature e del pianeta che ci ospita, ci da vita e della vita di nutre in tantissimi modi ...

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