00 02/03/2017 23:40
rock stone mushroom
stoned/illuminated or gods attis coming out from a rock/mushroom etc..

The Significance of the cube of nine

The following diagram depicts 729-as-cube together with a representation of its superficial area - 6 x 9 x 9, or 486, ie two-thirds of 729:


We read in John 1:42: Then he (Andrew) brought Simon to Jesus, who looked at him and said, "You are Simon, the son of John. You will be called Cephas". Both Cephas (Aramaic) and Peter (Greek) mean rock. Elsewhere (the Lord speaking again of Peter), we read: "...on this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it."(Mt. 16:18).

The New Testament word meaning 'a large mass of rock' is 'Petra' (as opposed to 'Petros' - which means 'boulder'). Based on the Greek scheme of alphabetic numeration, here are the characteristic values of Cephas and Petra:


We therefore learn that Petra, the massive Rock, is the surface of the cube whose solidity is Cephas!

It follows that the numerical symbolism attending the chequerboard of chequerboards - ie the 64x64 square currently occupying our attention - features not only our Lord Jesus Christ, but also the 'perfect stone' on which he has promised to build his church!

Of further significance are

  • the biblical description of Christ himself as Rock (Ro.9:33, 1Co.10:4)

  • the Hebrew word with the same meaning ('tsur') having the characteristic value 296 (ie 8x37) - factor of the both 'Jesus' and 'Christ', and value of the 7th word of Genesis 1:1!


Our Creator's signature is indeed very apparent in these constructions!


Vernon Jenkins MSc
