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Ultimo Aggiornamento: 10/10/2017 13:30
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Sesso: Femminile
10/10/2017 13:25
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Decapitators TAU Priests/Snakes at the roots of all religions..Lords of the Mushroom Rings (PREDATORS)


ritratto di nadia cinque

Su FB ci sono nuove collezioni di foto relative a questi serpenti solari divoratori/adoratori di crani (SCAMBIATI PER ALIENI) presenti alle radici di tutte le culture umane che gli acculturati fuori ed ignoranti dentro che ragliano a memoria le loro storielline e favolette tramandate, non vogliono studiare/indagare/scoprire e mi ridicolizzano/diffamano/bannano perche' faccio seria ricerca sul nostro reale passato ed uso le mie cervella O QUEL CHE NE RIMANE, per osservare la natura su scale piu' piccole e poi applicando le stesse logiche su scale piu' grandi e quello che imparaiamo dalla natura e' superiore a tutti i libri di scemologia ed idiozia accultrata sfornati senza sosta da falsi risvegliatori, falsi salvatori, falsi ricercatori, falsi oratori, falsi informatori etc... tutti in cerca di denaro/potere/carriera e non certo della verita' che comprometterebbe i loro sogni e creerebbe seri problemi con le autorita'...

Questo mio commento era su quella collezione degli uomini dei serpenti solari, divoratori di crani/capala e di umani di cui usavano il sesso come potentissima arma per la trasformazione del potere del serpente che tramite interazione umana subiva le sue metamorfosi od alterazioni alchemiche dopo i setti livelli della crocefissione al Dio fungo/serpente, uno dei tanti usati come iconografia del sacrificio del serpente legato alla corce solare del serpente/fallo/fungo alato o signore degli anelli, il cuo simbolo della quintessenza da esso prodotta con l'interazine umana e sacrifici/rituali di uomini/animali, era rappresentato con un cerchio=corona, cerchietto/puntino al centro=anello o foro disco forato da cui uscivano i nuovi serpenti usando i liquidi umani per i rituali segreti come si puo' rintracciare nelle radici di tutte le culture dimentiche delle loro comuni origini...


Copia di un mio commento lasciato sotto il post di un amico di Giorgio Terzoli, (G. S. nome abbreviato) che lo ha inserito poco fa nel profilo del mio Grande Amico defunto e dimenticato dai bastardi dentro, falsi giornalisti, falsi informatori, FALSI RICERCATORI, falsi amici e sporchi politicanti del cassonetto della falsa cultura da rottamazione che ci mantiene imbecilli e schiavi del consumismo e produttori/consumatori di ogni tipo di inquinita'/assurdita' a cui restiamo assuefatti come nuove forme di droga che ci rincoglioniscono/distraggono/rapiscono: ------ Cosa e' successo alla pagina di Giorgio Terzoli e chi ha dato gli ordini di bruciare di nuovo il passato??? Non si vede piu' nulla ma vedo solo te Gaetano...Per visualizzare i post bisogna andare nella lista degli anni e cliccare 2015 e leggere quello che ci ha lasciato e chi gli e' stato vicino aiutandolo indirettamente nella pericolosissima ricerca che aveva intrapreso che gli avrebbe svelato davvero il reale motivo della fine non solo dei Maya, ma di tutti gli altri grandi popoli usati, illuminati dai serpenti solari ed alla fine dei loro cicli, accecati/divisi/confusi probabilmente le spore di quegli antichi serpenti solari cannibali, sono ancora dormienti sotto i templi piramidi ziggurats che fecero costruire agli umani usando la nostra intelligenza/percezioni/spiritualita' per i loro cicli connessi con i nostri...i grandi cicli del tempo erano vitali per quei serpenti solari percepiti dagli uomini come divinita' che impartivano ordini superiori e ne avevamo di vari tipi, ognuno con la sua missione ed i suoi cicli e tutti o quasi tutti quelli piu' potenti, richiedevano continui sacrifici umani, offerte, libbagini a scadenze regolari di questi calendari da loro creati con l'interazione umana come si puo' tranquillamente verificare dalle antiche documentazioni storiche ancora reperibili sui sacrifici umani e persino dei propri figli condotti sotto gli ordini di queste forme di vita che usavano/parassitavano le razze degli umani e non erano certo aliene e come le formiche hano i loro calendari interni e sanno come/dove/quando creare spettacolari opere collegate con i piccoli cicli del tempo i serpenti solari conoscevano/percepivano i grandi cicli e le grandi stagioni e non ci sono alieni/angeli/demoni nelle scale piu' piccole ma forme di vita che controllano/usano le altre nell'ecosistema del pianeta terra che da sempre ha disturtto a rotazione con tanti sistemi le colonie cresciute a dismisura che avrebbero seriamente danneggiato gli equilibri naturali come stiamo infatti facendo di nuovo...sorry per chi sogna ancora risvegli, salvezze, paradisi di eterna giovinezza/salute/felicita' con casa-lavoro per tutti ed altre assurdita' che ancora ci promettono..non ci sono mai stati questi paradisi ma siamo sempre stati schiavi/merce/cibo di serpenti/capi/pastori e non siamo diventati piu' evoluti od intelligenti, ma sempre piu' oscurati dentro e riprogrammati da fuori per l'uso e consumo di capi o pastori divenuti ricchi potenti grazie ai serpenti di cui usarono gli insegnamenti e noi lavoravamo in seguito per gli uomini seguaci del serpente rosso oscurati/controllati dai nuovi serpenti/funghi che con il tempo persero il loro potere e non siamo certo divenuti creature piu' intelligenti che vivono diligentemente sul pianeta che le OSPITA, che vogliono conoscere e ritrovare la loro vera storia taciuta/oscurata/distrutta per millenni e comprendere la loro reale natura ma gente falsa/virtuale/artificiale in tutto, assetata/affamata di droghe di ogni tipo e di potere/ricchezza materiale per cui farebbe/direbbe di tutto e che preferisce i mondi immaginari, le fiabe/leggende tramandate dai seguaci dei nuovi serpenti solari che si cibavano di quelli precedenti senza le capacita' di voler sapere/capire/andare oltre o sbaglio? spero di si.....

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ritratto di nadia cinque

Baci Peru'-Gina

Lo sai che in certi castelli non puoi inserire nemmeno immagini accorpate alle poesie?

Oppure te le ignorano o trattano come opere di altro genere se scrivi la poesia sopra od ad un lato dell'immagine che scegli per potenziarla?

Qui per fortuna queste menate non esistono e possiamo tutti accludere foto/commenti/note/spiegazioni alle nostre poesie che non leggono/commentano e punteggiano solo e sempre i soliti amichetti di merende ma tanti altri utenti esterni che qui possono facilmente avere accesso a tutta la lista delle tue opere senza doversi registrare..e' uno dei pochi portali seri rimasti per i veri autori che cercano un luogo affidabile per tutti i differenti tipi di arte ed espressione della scrittura creativa impossibile da coltivare tra i vecchi reucci della rete che non si vogliono leggere/commentare nemmeno tra di loro, figuriamoci quando possano interessare ai lettori esterni...

Qui puoi avere anche letture esterne ed il sito non si blocca come succede con molti altri quando entri...

Buon rientro con i Baci di Gina che proviene dal Peru'..


PS: ma siete sempre voi dei soliti castelli che andate in giro per gli altri che non frequento piu' e nemmeno autori davvero seri/conosciuti frequentano piu' o sbaglio? Spero di si...Buona scrittura/lettura..

ritratto di nadia cinque

Dati storici per creare il racconto piu' sconvolgente del secolo

Alcuni dei dati da reperire/usare per un possibile libro/film sulla nostra reale storia e trasformazioni interiori, avvenute con le interazioni di altre creature della terra dei diversi mondi che hanno usato noi e che noi abbiamo usato per guadagnare grande potere/ricchezza/potenza/rivelazioni etc...Sono nel link accluso che cerchero' di copiare aperto in questo messaggio ma ci sono altre informazioni/documentazioni storiche che potete mettere insieme per creare la nostra vera ed orribile storia sull'origine di tutte le religioni oggi dimentiche delle loro reali e comuni radici...

Ce ne sono molti altri nella mia pagina ma tantissime informazioni sono ancora reperibili sull'intero pianeta perche' non tutti gli idoli e non tutto l'antico passato fu distrutto del tutto...

I have seen our previous Gods, taking possession of our mind/intelligence/perceptions to turn us into their slaves and build their dwelling using us...are they all gone or some of them are just sleeping under their temples? I have seen those Gods, Enki/Hermes or one of the last solar snakes using humans...what are they really planning for us? Here is the real image on lower scales of our many Gods, now gone because some ended their cycles connected with ours in a very intricate ecosystem you may understand by studying nature of the lower worlds, parallel of the greater you see gods/demons/angels/aliens there???

August 28 near Philadelphia, PA · Edited
    Nadia Cinque Now you may begin to understand why they all needed human sacrifices above/near/below temples/pyramids/zitturats, libations, offering and other common practices those gods ordered to humans...time was vital to our common gods, and rituals/offering/libations/sacrifices performed repeatedly to feed those gods on regular bases as directed by their secret rituals or am I wrong???? People kept performing those rituals, but not knowing the real reasons why they were doing even after most of those gods were gone and ended up their cycles and tau priests divided into many competitive groups, could not obtain great knowledge and great power from them like the old days when gods took possession of human mind and ruled above us all setting the basic structures of future humanity...for the solar snakes, the brain and skull cult, included phallic rituals and cannibalism, was vital for their survival ..So, are some of them still sleeping under those temples they made us build for them and their rulership above humans gong to wake up just like the spores of small creatures/plants survive for thousand years and become active in the proper environment to begin again the spiral of life/death of the many form of lives of this planet connected to the great Just like us, previous humans possessed/educated
    by new kind of gods/snakes, digged, uncovered and
    used the bones of their ancestors hidden for future use, but now
    people look for gold and other things to study,
    placed into tombs of those gods, not aware they
    are just doing what those snakes wanted them
    to do at a given time...just like other form
    of parassites using their victim's genetic codes,
    their body, theri mind, 
    to make them do what the parassites needs, 
    so it happened to the ant's men too suffering
    many kind of parassitic invasions as part of
    the ecosystem of this planet balancing all
    lives included human colonies kept under 
    control by nature, in very cruels ways, not only
    by holy wars, natural disasters, cyclical destruction
    of all colonies, deseases etc...
    Sorry, I do not promise and sell any garbage promise
    to anyone and I just need the truth we have to find 
    ourselves by observing natures and looking at our past 
    with a clean brain not brainwashed by artificial
    and external human cultures kepping us blind
    and stupid...spiral???..
    Nadia Cinque Those solar snakes using humans, built similar temples for their needs/power/control, just like cocoons of parasites, like bees birds insects do their nests in similar ways, they created their temples all over the planet using men and of course, time, temples rituals and astronomy were vital to those gods..our common gods we are not supposed to know about because used by all past leaders to obtain great power...
    Nadia Cinque Now you can read again our common past using whatever is left of your intelligence used and controlled by other form of lives interacting with us in similar ways like in the lower worlds...
    Nadia Cinque's photo.

    Lords of the Mushroom RINGS...(get ready for the terrifying paranormal game done with the 9 mayan gods of underworld I am preparing for Halloween and I will make them alive again to scare the hell out of you with indigo magic; make sure you recognize them when they will show up everywere, even in your bedroom and I will tell you how to make them vanish again).

    In the Kingdom of deceased 
    you will find no joy, no peace.

    Do not wear the mushroom rings
    giving you the crown of kings.

    They will lure you into hell 
    where you have no words to tell.

    Hands and feet will be tied up 
    with your skull used as a cup.

    Spider woman will feed on you 
    into a zombie she will turn you.

    Tiamat/Kali will steal your soul, 
    Lilith/Isis will take control.

    Dragon/drug of ancient world, 
    snake whose fruits are red and gold.

    The 9 gods are not only relate to the
    pyramid of time with 9 steps like the
    nine gods, the Egyptian ennead,
    nine manifestations of Goddess Durga etc...
    they are also connected to
    the Saturnians, to the 9 elemenths of the 
    turtle, part of a
    trimurti/trinity/hermes etc... of the new
    wave of gods/priests created by the sacred plants
    and forbidden fruits, shaping again and
    again our perceptions/intelligence/spirituality,
    life and death of creatures and human colonies on this planet...


    23,040,000,000 days alautun 
    1,152,000,000 kinchiltun 
    57,600,000 calbatun 
    2,880,000 pictun 
    144,000 baktun 
    7,200 katun 
    360 tun 
    20 uinal 
    1 day kin

    Nadia Cinque Why homosexual practices used by enki the snake called also philosopher stone, creating new kind of humanity with his secret rituals where another man was vital for the transformation of the solar snake interacting with humans, become highly forbidden and punished with death and probably only poweful leaders could perform the secret rituals to obtain great power from the solar snake uttu utu shamash or one eye god possessing another male and containing quintessence used by many ancient leaders using common rituals of phallic cults and human semen/brains of hearthless from the net the snake priest of mushroom cult eats sacred plants and produce semen needed for the libation of the mushroom cross........:read between the lines who were our gods and how they used genetic genes from humans for building their center of power and cocoon/nests/graves for future snakes......Uttu in Sumerian mythology is the goddess of weaving and clothing. She is both the child of Enki and Ninkur, and she bears seven new child/trees from Enki, the eighth being the Ti (Tree of "Life", associated with the "Rib"). When Enki then ate Uttu's children, Ninhursag cursed him with eight wounds and disappears. Uttu in Sumerian means "the woven" and she was illustrated as a spider in a web...
    Nadia Cinque So why Enky`s priests or reptilians of phallic cults were eating sacred plants and consuming their own semen getting sick/pregnant ready for the secret common rituals of the mushroom cross???Consuming his own semen, Enky falls pregnant (ill with swellings) in his jaw, his teeth, his mouth, his hip, his throat, his limbs, his side and his RIB.......8 parts of the mushroom cross..of death/rebirth..???And again the ritual of the seven mysteries of crucifiction and rebirth of snake/goat/fish or sacrificial God Getsu connected to the crucifiction/sacrifice of the solar snake????..Who were our Gods???...Well, well, well, our common God by many names and many myths, telling lies to humans, ordering human sacrifice, child sacrifice, castration and celibacy for the new priesthood...who was actually the solar mushroom snake or philosopher stone turning humans into stones or mushroom men full of solar snakes like Medusa decapitated and used to obtain superior power like the sacrifice of celestial bull, giving superior orders to kill/sacrifice/immolate other Gods/leaders and feed on them so they could absorb his power and use it for the group who could hear the beating of the drum related to sound/music of Hermes and be able to use the new weapons/temples for the Gods created by the use of humans ???
    The text is known from several versions: two were written by Assyrian scribes (one in the Assyrian, one...
    Nadia Cinque Modern researchers beginning to rediscover the Ancient stones/snakes/mushrooms legends of phallic cults connected also to the omphalos and the snake do not tell us the rest of the story that great human sacrifice (ritual killings of victim `celestial bull` like Humbaba/Medusa etc... possessed by mushrooms/snakes) was requested by those gods using us and offering us great power knowledge revelations at the great price of human lives they needed for their cycles connected with ours and human liquids like semen urine were the two main waters where enki the mushroom snake dwelled using human sexuality brains of heartless people turned into mushroom priests of the new snakes feeding on old snakes and humans....horrific ecosystem balancing the lives of this planet in many misterious and ferocious ways used by nature to perform inner metamorphoses of some creatures...://
    Nadia Cinque This is the mushroom ring/crown worn by many ancient priests from India too, to obtain great power/knowledge is represented also with a circle and a dot in the is the solar snake or winged snake controlling/using sexuality, human brain and feeding on it or am I wrong? He comes out from the PHALLIC CULT...THAT IS ALSO THE HEAD OF A PHALLUS AND WHERE THE SNAKE DWELLS AND COMES OUT IN ONE OF HIS CYCLES...HEAD/PHALLUS (DUAL SNAKES/DUAL HEADS/DUAL ANIMALS ETC..) ARE THE 2 MAIN PARALLEL POWERS FOR THE HEARTLESS SOLAR SNAKE CHANGING SKINS/RITUALS/RELIGIONS TO ADAPT TO NEW ENVIRONMENTS AND NEW HUMAN INTELLIGENCE...HAPPY HALLOWEEN FORM THE KINGDOM OF DEATH USED TO CREATE NEW FORMS OF LIVES/HUMANS UNDER THE POWER OF THE LORDS OF THE RINGS, THE REAL ONES SLEEPING UNDER THEIR TEMPLES THEY MADE HUMAN BUILD FOR THEIR GREAT SLEEP AND PRESERVING THEIR GREAT POWER THROUGH THE AGES WITH THE TOOLS THEY LEFT TO THEIR comment about ancient maps: Why do we feel surprised about those ancient maps? Insects/spiders/birds can perceive the properties of
    the ground/environment and build their dwellings/traps/webs/nests with superior precision at particular times connected
    with their inner calendars telling them, how, where and when to do superior tasks or migrations vital to their survivals, so why ants' men with a much bigger brains than insects, could not do similar tasks when possessed by solar snakes or spirits of sacred plants or lords of the mushroom rings using them to build their dwellings in a sort of ecosystem between different form of lives one using the other?
    Nadia Cinque's photo.
    Nadia Cinque Great masonry works connected with astronomy and calendars, was vital for those new lords of the mushroom rings, feeding on old lords/snakes and using phallic cults and ancient rituals decapitation with prepared victims to create new soma/haoma just like ordered by our common snake Enki in his new directions to sacrifice lower gods/humans for the great gods loosing their power...Let one getsu be immolated every specific day of the calendar and used for the salvation of others feeding on the immolated god was one of the new order/ritual induced by the new snake/mushroom creating new kind of humanity or am I mistaken??? Read our past, do not read books, all idols revealing the truth and common roots could not be destroyed by the new phallic god loosing his power and using human to survive...Are they really all coincidences? Am i crazy???
    Nadia Cinque's photo.
    Nadia Cinque Enlarge, compare and read some details related to the REAL lords of the rings present in many Sumerian seals too, one leg god holding the crown of mushroom rings or coming out of a mushroom ring like the new solar heroes of winged/phallic snake used by Templars too to gain great power/control and you can see the power of quintessence related to the red snake, her ring and her crown that got some people killed for trying to tell us their common secret ordinary people like us, are not supposed to know.....But I have the right to know the real story of my people and what turned us to be what we are today and what those ancient cannibals Gods have planned for us..Probably only crazy people like me, not reformatted with artificial cultures/religions can go further and help those who are doing serious research to fee us from all the lies we have been told for thousand years....



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